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Baltimore Web Design HFS responsive designed website

New Website Launch: HFSband.com

Posted on March 28, 2022

We are proud to announce the launch of hfsband.com. We recently designed the HFS website. This included a responsively designed custom wordpress website to display properly on various devices. While developing the new site we created custom plugins for their schedule as well as an online forms to send a booking request. A photo gallery as well as audio […]

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Wireframes are so important for Web Design

Why wireframes are essential to good web design

Posted on July 26, 2021

You may have heard the term “wireframing” at some point in time when talking to a web company about a new design or redesign, but what are wireframes? Wireframing allows you to determine the informational hierarchy of a design while making it easier to plan out the content and user experience. What is a wireframe? In simple […]

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Baltimore Wordpress Web Design and Development

Why you should use WordPress for CMS

Posted on July 19, 2021

Why should you choose WordPress as your content management system instead of one of the many other options available today? This is something that has surely crossed the minds of business owners looking for a great platform to have a website built upon. We could say because that’s what we use and we recommend it […]

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